contribution — [ kɔ̃tribysjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1317; lat. contributio 1 ♦ Part que chacun donne pour une charge, une dépense commune. ⇒ cotisation, 1. écot, 1. part, quote part, tribut. Il a donné telle somme pour sa contribution, en contribution, comme contribution.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
contribution — con·tri·bu·tion n 1: payment of a share of an amount for which one is liable: as a: shared payment of a judgment by joint tortfeasors esp. according to proportional fault compare apportion a b: pro rata apportionment of loss among all the… … Law dictionary
contribution — CONTRIBUTION. s. fém. Levée extraordinaire faite par autorité publique. Les Villages ont payé tant par contribution, par forme de contribution. [b]f♛/b] Il se dit aussi De ce qui se paye en temps de guerre par ordre du Général en pays ennemi.… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798
contribution — Contribution. s. f. v. Levée extraordinaire faite par authorité publique. Les villages ont payé tant par contribution, par forme de contribution. Il se dit aussi, De ce que l on paye aux ennemis pour se garentir du pillage, pour se redimer des… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
Contribution — Con tri*bu tion, n. [L. contributio: cf. F. contribution.] 1. The act of contributing. [1913 Webster] 2. That which is contributed; either the portion which an individual furnishes to the common stock, or the whole which is formed by the gifts of … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
contribution — late 14c., from O.Fr. contribution and directly from L. contributionem (nom. contributio), from contribut , pp. stem of contribuere to bring together, add, contribute, from com together (see COM (Cf. com )) + tribuere to allot, pay (see TRIBUTE… … Etymology dictionary
contribution — [kän΄trə byo͞o′shən] n. [ME contribucioun < OFr contribution < L contributio] 1. the act of contributing 2. something contributed, as money to a charity or a poem to a magazine 3. a) a special levy or tax b) Archaic a levy for supporting an … English World dictionary
contribution — *donation, benefaction, alms Analogous words: grant, subvention, subsidy, *appropriation: *gift, present, largess, boon … New Dictionary of Synonyms
contribution — [n] gift, offering addition, a hand, alms, augmentation, benefaction, beneficence, bestowal, charity, donation, do one’s part*, gifting, grant, handout, helping hand, improvement, increase, input, present, significant addition, subscription,… … New thesaurus
contribution — Contribution, Contributio … Thresor de la langue françoyse